FARRIS is the inspiration, the wisdom, and the understanding that comes from miles of movement. The face of FARRIS, singer-songwriter Kathleen Farris, first formed the band in Salt Lake City after playing solo for years and growing tired of the coffee shop scene which her simple poetic songs were destined for.
“People want to have fun!!… and I want to have fun!! I want more everyday people to hear my music and totally rock out with it.”
She first fine-tuned her craft of melodic poetry as a child while playing piano and guitar over recitations of one of her hundreds of poems. Her instinct to sing stories fit well into the country music influences of her Texas upbringing.
She left Texas after High School and rubbed elbows with Washington DC insiders by day and performed on street corners as a busker by night. This led to her famed 40 40 40 tour where she toured 40 street corners for 40 days to protest the power that club owners have over new artists looking for a stage to play on. Fans followed her 2-hour nightly show from corner to corner while she lugged amplifier, microphone. guitar, and CDs in tow.
Using her career as an infectious disease researcher as an opportunity to play on stages around the world, she moved and worked and formed bands or played solo in Kenya, Mali, Portugal, Colombia, England, and France before landing in the Netherlands in 2011 to put together the FARRIS we know today.
More BIO (if you care)
From years of traveling, balancing the push and pull of a rapidly changing world, and enduring fate as every human must rise to do, Kathleen writes about unravelling our own confining boundaries and opening our eyes to ourselves and society and our impact on it and within it.
FARRIS is driven by the idea of infusing poetic intent into the music, which gets carry forward into the atmosphere. The music aims to grab you, and hold you there, to rip off your clothes, hand you a set of wings, and then throw you out of an airplane. This musical sense of urgency battles poignant lyrics and drags you forward till you’re breathless and reaching.
FARRIS is chasing something that is lost if they don’t reach out, grab it, pull it in, and thrust it in your face!
FARRIS released a self-titled album, KATHLEEN FARRIS, in 2005 and the album WE ARE CREATURES IN 2013
The long-awaited album, ROCKET BLASTER, will be released in 2021, following the release of the single of the same name in 2020.